A. Arrar: University of Ahmed ZABANA, BOURMADIA, BP 48000, W. Relizane, Algeria.
M. Benhaliliba: Film Device Fabrication-Characterization and Application FDFCA Research Group USTO Oran Algeria.
A. Arrar & M. Benhaliliba: Physics Faculty, USTO-MB University, BP1505 Oran, Algeria.
A. Boukhachem & M. Amlouk Unité de physique des dispositifs a semi-conducteurs, Faculté des sciences de Tunis, Tunis El Manar University, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia.
U. Yahşi & C. Tav: Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Marmara University, Goztepe Campus, 34722 Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey.
A. Stancu: Faculty of Physics, Department of Physics Blvd. Carol I, 11, 700506, Iasi, Romania.
Paper: "Optical spectroscopy analysis and visible emissions of sprayed La1-xNixMnO2.75 thin layers", A. Arrar, M. Benhaliliba, A. Boukhachem, U. Yahşi, C. Tav, A. Yumak, M. Amlouk, Materials Research Bulletin (submitted)
Abderrahim Guittoum, Saida Limam, Reinhard Krause Rehberg, Hemmous Messaoud, Zohra Lounis-Mokrani, C. Tav, U. Yahsi
Goal: We report on positron studies (lifetime and Doppler broadening spectroscopy) in irradiated materials (with neutrons, alpha particles and gamma), especially, polymers. The positronium behavior of these materials is studied as a function of the irradiation fluence and etching time for CR39 (a kind of polymer)
Methods:: Fast-Fast positron spectrometer, Doppler broadening spectrometer, Variable energy Doppler broadening spectroscopy, Variable energy positron lifetime spectroscopy
Polymer samples CR39 have been irradiated with alpha particles for different energies and fluences. Variable energy Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy VEDBS have been performed using positron beam accelerator. The evolution of S parameter (free volume) will be studied as a function of positron depth penetration. The effect of etching time on the evolution of S parameter will be also studied and related to the latent tracks in CR39 nuclear solid state detector.
M. Izerrouken & O. Menchi: Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Bp. 43 Sebbala, Draria, Algiers, Algeria.
R. Hazem: URMPE Unit, University M’Hamed Bougara Boumerdes, 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
U. Yahsi, 3C. Tav: Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Marmara University, 34722 Goztepe Istanbul, Turkey
A. Sar: Nuclear Research Center of Birine, BP 108, Ain-Oussera, Djelfa, Algeria
F. Haid & M. Ghamnia: Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, Cité du 20 Août 1956, Bp. 17, Baba Hassen, Algiers, Algeria
S.E. Naceri: LSMC laboratory, Oran 1 University, Ahmed Ben Bella, 31100, Oran, Algeria
A. Ishaq: NCP Joint International Research Center on Advanced Nanomaterials and Defects Engineering, National Center for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan
We will conduct research on Depth Profile Defects Investigation of Zirconium Irradiated with Au Ions of 20 MeV by using Variable Energy Positron Beam.
M. Izerrouken: Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Bp. 43 Sebbala, Draria, Algiers, Algeria.
R. Hazem: Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, UMBB Boumerdes, Algeria
C. Tav, 3U. Yahsi & S. Küzeci: Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Marmara University, 34722 Goztepe Istanbul, Turkey
S. Küzeci: Physics Department, College of Eduction for Pure Science, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, IRAK
We will conduct research on Depth Profile Defects Investigation of Al2O3 Irradiated with Xe Ions of 90 MeV and CaF2 irradiated with Xe ions of 90 MeV by using Variable Energy Positron Beam. The idea of the work is to study the effect of the electronic stopping power on the pre-existing defects. We used for this two kind of crystals for comparaison. We observe that there is defect recovery in the case of Al2O3. But there is additional defects in the case of CaF2. This confirms the different defect mechanism for the two crystals. This will be published soon.
Bu sayfa Pozitron/Pozitronyum Araştırma ve Hizmet Laboratuvarı tarafından en son 11.10.2022 13:57:04 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.