Laboratory Training

MARMARA Positron/Positronium Laboratory Training and Fees
Training Period Fees
PALS System Training Weekly Training and Research
Training: 5 hours and Application: 10 hours
1 000.00 €
DBES System Training Weekly Training and Research
Training: 5 hours and Application: 10 hours
1 500.00 €
Variable Energy Positron Beam System Training Weekly Training and Research
Training: 5 hours and Application: 10 hours
2 500.00 €
Scientific Research Visiting at Positron/Positronium Laboratory Weekly Laboratory Research Work
Application: 10 hours
500.00 €
Tax (KDV) is included

PALS: Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

DBES: Doppler Broadened Emission Spectroscopy of Positron Annihilation

Additional weekly laboratory application after the training is 50% off for the price indicated.

PALS System Training: The training includes to set up the system, prepare the source, follow the signal at each NIM modules (CFDD, TAC, MCA) and analyse data (RESOLUTION, PATHFIT or LT, FREEVOLUME, MELT). Certificate will be issued after completion.

DBES System Training: The training includes to set up the system, prepare the source, load the liquid nitrogen to the Dewar, adjust the spectroscopic amplifier, analyze data for the broadening energy spectrum to calculate S, W and R parameters. Certificate will be issued after completion.

Variable Energy Positron Beam System Training: the training includes to install the source, to vacuum the system, to cool down the cold head using cryostat, grow the Neon moderator using the LabView program. And also to vacuum the Test Chamber (TS) and to load sample on the TS is trained. Measurement system such as PALS or DBES will be taught and trained on the system.


Prof. Dr. Uğur YAHŞİ
E-mail:       Phone: +90 (216) 777 3320

Prof. Dr. Cumali TAV
E-mail:           Phone: +90 (216)777 3307


Marmara University Göztepe Campus
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Physics, No: C120  
34722 Kadıköy, İSTANBUL, TURKEY

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