Thesis completed at MARPOS in Marmara University
“Investigation of the Effects of Flash Sintering Technique on Point Defects of Doped ZnO Structures”, Zainab Raad Shamsulddin, PhD, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2023 – cont.). Advisors: Prof. Uğur Yahşi and Prof. Lütfi Arda
“Automated Data Acquisition and Analysis System For Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy”, Muhammed Adil Umer, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2019). Advisors: Prof. Cumali Tav and Prof. Uğur Yahşi (Thesis in English)
"Free Volume Investigation of PAMAM Dendrimers by Using Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy", Hümeyra Kılıç, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2019). Advisors: Doç. Ayşe Yumak Yahşi and Prof. Uğur Yahşi (Thesis in Turkish)
“Katkılandırılmış PNN-PZT Piezoelektrik Seramiklerin Pozitron Yokolma (PALS) Tekniği ile İncelenmesi”, Fikret Çetin, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2019). Advisors: Prof. Cumali Tav and Prof. Uğur Yahşi (Thesis in Turkish)
"Characteristic Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Boron Nitride Composite using Thermal and Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Techniques", Murat Yavuz Yener, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2017). Advisors: Prof. Cumali Tav and Assoc. Prof. Seyfullah Madakbaş (Thesis in English)
“On the Extraction of Free Volume Depth Profile of Polymer Surface Using Simha-Somcynsky and Cahn-Hillard Theory”, Saygın Küzeci, PhD, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2011). Advisors: Prof. Uğur Yahşi and Prof. Cumali Tav (Thesis in Turkish)
“An Investigation of Relationship Between Free Volume And Ionic Conductivity of Polymer-Salt Electrolytes by Using Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy”, Bilgehan Çoşkun, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2009). Advisors: Prof. Uğur Yahşi and Prof. Cumali Tav (Thesis in Turkish)
“The Correlation Between Conductivity And Free Volume in Polymer Electrolytes Using Positron Techniques”, Gonca Erdemci, MSc, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Physics Department, İstanbul (2009). Advisors: Prof. Cumali Tav and Prof. Uğur Yahşi (Thesis in Turkish)
Thesis for some of the work done at MARPOS but not advised at Marmara University.
"Investigation of Conductivity-free Volume Relationships of Polymer Composite Electrolytes by Positronium Annihilation Technique (PALS)," Muhammet Lahmuni, MSc, Yalova University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Chemical Engineering Department, Yalova (2024) Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Mesut Yılmazoğlu (Thesis in Turkish)
"Time-Resolved Investigations on the Charge Carrier Dynamics of CuBi2O4 and Cu2O Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction," Emir Ardalı, MSc, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chemistry Department, Koç University, Istanbul (2024). Advisor: Prof. Sarp Kaya (Thesis in English)
“Investigation of the Effect of Defect Formation on Optical, Magnetic and Gas Detection Properties in Doped ZnO Nanomaterials”, Sümeyye Veziroğlu, PhD, Yıldız Teknical University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Physics Department, Istanbul (15.11.2022 – cont.) Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kemal Özdoğan and Prof. Lütfi Arda (Bahçeşehir University)
"Synthesis and characterization of boron carbide additived PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) polymer composites by ATRP method", Duygu Tuluk Türkmani, MSc, Graduate School, Istanbul Technical University, Metalurgical Engineering, Istanbul (2023). Advisor: Prof. Cüneyt Aslan & Prof. Nilgün Baydoğan (Thesis in Turkish)
"Comparative Investigation of the Effects of Carbon Nanotubes of Different Diameter and Length on Thermal and Mechanical Properties in PMMA Nanocomposıte Reinforced With MWCNT", Meltem Uzunoğlu, MSc, Istanbul Technical University, Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Istanbul (2023). Advisor: Prof. Nilgün Baydoğan (Thesis in English)
"Developing Various Design Strategies for Poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) Based Dry Polymer Electrolytes", Recep Bakar, PhD, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Koç University, İstanbul (2022). Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Erkan Şenses (Thesis in English)
"Radiation Damage Studies of Bulk Metallic Glass Materials Under Proton Irradiation and Radioprotection Studies For METU-DBL", Pelin Uslu, PhD, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Department of Matallurgical and Materials Engineering, Ankara (2019). Advisors: M. Vedat Akdeniz and M. Bilge Demirköz (Thesis in English)
“Use of a Semifluorinated Acrylic Compound in Reinforcement of High Density Polyethylene and Some Microsphere Preparation Studies”, Uğur Soykan, PhD, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Chemistry Department, Bolu (2019). Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Sedat Çetin (Thesis in English)
“Preparation and Characterization of Some Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer Graft Copolymers of High Density Polyethylene and Isotactic Polypropylene”, Behiye Öztürk Şen, PhD, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Chemistry Department, Bolu (2016). Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Sedat Çetin (Thesis in English)
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